Reupholstered sofa and new rug

Reupholstered sofa and new rug

Well, so good now, but this sofa has been through the mill to get here - a bit like a bad nose job that had to be completely redone...OUCH!

This was how it was first bought from a "reputable" furniture restorer:

...who then "fully restored the sofa with new springing" before covering it in a very beautiful Bennison linen, bought by JBD for her client.

Imagine our HORROR when this came back!:

lower front edge - staples and fabric cut too short

lower front edge - staples and fabric cut too short

front not attached to sides - pulls out

front not attached to sides - pulls out

arm facings and cord loose

arm facings and cord loose

inside back - wobbles and no pattern matching

inside back - wobbles and no pattern matching

sofa front - wobbly cord, loose fabric

sofa front - wobbly cord, loose fabric

...and when my own trusty upholsterer came to the rescue...surprise, surprise!  The sofa  had had absolutely no internal work done at all - and I think a pet rabbit would have made a better job of the covering.  SO, of course the fabric had to be re-ordered and the whole job started again.  An expensive operation for JBD, and very frustrating for my patient clients, but worth the long haul to get there in the end...

Moral of the story - don't believe your pet rabbit when she says she's a professional upholsterer - even if she has a smart  website and glowing references from her long-eared friends.  Those kinds of rabbits are only fit for the stew pot.

NewsJane Hartnell-Beavis