Hip Hop Bedrooms

Teenage Room

Teenage Room

Here's a great way to give a teenage bedroom a tip top makeover...collect together all the old pots of paint you can find - the brighter the better.  Paint the walls white, draw round different sized plates, saucers, cups or bowls, then fill the circles in different colours...FABULOSO!

...then, if you're feeling really creative, how about this tin-can collage frame. Aluminium drinks cans are really easy to cut with scissors or a sharp knife.  (Take care, though, as they can also cut you really easily). Fold over the edges to make them smooth and flatten them with a rolling pin.  Then cover a flat wooden frame with them, overlapping adjacent sections, and fixing with panel pins as you go.  Recycling just got COOL!

Kate's Mirror

Kate's Mirror

NewsJane Hartnell-Beavis